
We believe it’s important for children to have a holistic education and that education is best when it combines the pursuit of academic excellence with the development of character. That’s why we’re proud of our co-curricular activities, and why our pupils are excelling inside–and outside–the classroom.

By participating in a wide range of co-curricular activities, our pupils have the opportunity to pursue their passions, and develop skills such as leadership and teamwork.

For many in our communities, the opportunity to participate in tournaments, festivals and competitions opens up a whole new world of travel and experience that they may not otherwise be exposed to.


Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts are essential to develop creative skills in children. They allow for self-expression, cultural enrichment and a whole host of non-academic benefits such as improved self-esteem, improved socialising and better hand-eye coordination.

Coding Club

Coding is becoming extremely popular amongst our pupils. We have a range of partnerships that enable our boys and girls to learn about coding and take part in events. In fact they have been so successful they’ve given keynote speeches at community coding gatherings.

ECO Clubs

Our pupils participate in eco clubs, they empower them to participate in meaningful environmental activities and projects. It is a way for our pupils to promote environmental friendly practices.


Excursions take our pupils outside of the classroom and into a world of work; introducing pupils to environments like factories, power plants and a wide variety of places and professions.

Maths Club

Maths Club is an increasingly popular after school activity for boys and girls who enjoy playing with numbers, calculations, shapes and equations. It builds pupil engagement and confidence while consolidating maths knowledge.

Show and Tell

Show and tell is a chance for pupils to present their prized possessions and experiences.  It gives the children the opportunity to practice public speaking and builds confidence.

Spelling Bees

Spelling bees where children compete to spell a broad selection of words is increasingly popular. Our pupils take part in local and national competitions where they memorise the spellings of long and difficult words to win trophies!
