Reinforcing Health and Safety Standards to Keep Pupils Safe while Learning

The paramount importance of health and safety, most especially in the education environment has been made even more prominent by the advent of the COVD-19 pandemic.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been faced with an unprecedented situation, impacting severely on every part of our society and economy but nowhere more than in education, where it has hampered educational progress for children as all schools and learning facilities were closed in order to safeguard the health and general wellbeing of our children, youths, teachers, and educational personnel.

As lockdowns have been lifted and schools resume lessons at near normal capacity it is important to put in place strict measures to ensure safe and healthy school environments while also driving safe behaviors by our children.

As the events surrounding COVID-19 continue to evolve rapidly, Bridge Nigeria remains fully dedicated to the safety, health and well-being of staff. The world has changed which means we need to adapt to ensure we continue to carry out our mission in serving our children. As the pandemic restrictions continue to be eased and Term 3 commences, Bridge has developed a comprehensive learning, operations and health and safety plan to adapt to the new ways of working and ensure a safe and hitch-free reopening of schools and learning facilities.

This includes regular fumigation and disinfection of schools, enforced temperature scan, provision of hand-washing stations, enforced face mask requirements, social distancing, staggered break time and restriction of visitors into school premises. These are aligned to the Federal Ministry of Education guidelines for schools and learning facilities reopening after COVID-19 pandemic.

The cooperation and support of parents in this process cannot be over emphasized. Equally important to the safety of our children are the precautions both within and outside the school premises in this era of covid-19. Parents and all personnel are encouraged to take the proper and necessary precautions of social distancing, mask mandate, frequent hand sanitization even outside school premises, in public and in private so as to ensure the safety of not only themselves but for our children as well.
